Saturday, March 15

Do not forget these 3 times of the day and drink tea and coffee, it is dangerous to drink

Some drink tea once a day, while others drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day. But consuming too much tea and coffee is never good. This may cause the body to become dehydrated. Do not consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day. A 150-mL cup of coffee contains 80-120 mg of caffeine. On the other hand, instant coffee contains 50–65 and tea contains 30-65 mg of caffeine.

It is better not to consume more than 3-4 cups of tea and coffee a day. It can avoid the risk of many diseases. Otherwise, insomnia and indigestion problems will increase. But do not eat tea and coffee at any time, you know? Drinking too much tea and coffee is not good; similarly, drinking tea and coffee at the wrong time can be dangerous. Digestive problems may occur. It can also hinder nutrient absorption.

Many people start their day with tea and coffee. Tea and coffee should not be consumed on an empty stomach. It disrupts the hormonal balance. Cortisol hormone levels rise, and you become anxious. No tea and coffee with heavy meals. Caffeine interferes with the absorption of nutrients from other foods. So drinking tea and coffee with heavy food will harm the body.

Do not consume more than 3-4 cups of tea and coffee throughout the day. Similarly, do not sip tea or coffee after 4 pm. Drink tea and coffee at least 10 hours before going to sleep. It can avoid sleep problems. Drink tea and coffee 2 hours after eating snacks or heavy meals. But do not drink tea and coffee on an empty stomach. Try to eat tea and coffee without sugar or full-fat milk. You will get more benefit from it.

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