Friday, March 14

Banaras Hindu University has launched its mobile app Namaste BHU for students

Banaras Hindu University has launched its mobile app Namaste BHU. Through this, they plan to strengthen digital connections within the university and ease access to services and information for students and faculty, enhancing the overall campus experience.
The app is available to download on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Users can create an account on the app using their registered mobile number with the University (BHU) and start using it.
Services include a university directory with information on faculties, departments and programs offered, names, designations, emails and phone numbers of key officials, faculty and staff. Additionally, the application will allow users to find what they want among books, magazines and various e-resources and save time and effort, the press release claims.
Students have also been given the option to register their complaints regarding admission, fees, examination and other issues and the resolution process will also be provided. Hostel wardens will also be able to lodge hostel related complaints through the application.
“As part of the IoE initiative, it will improve digital connectivity and services for both students and faculty. He also informed that a dedicated team is continuously working on upgrading the app. Said Professor Sanjay Kumar, who is the coordinator of Institution of Eminence-BHU
The team is working on developing some other services, including counseling for students and making all important information visible to users.

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