Thursday, September 19

Tag: Fever-cold

Fever-cold as the season changes, how important it is to be careful at work

Fever-cold as the season changes, how important it is to be careful at work

As soon as the monsoon starts, fever, cold, and cough! Today someone is suffering from this disease tomorrow. During the rainy season, the temperature suddenly drops slightly. At the same time, due to the increase in humidity, the prevalence of viruses and bacteria increases at this time. Along with waterborne and mosquito-borne diseases. Be it school or office, people of any age can be infected anywhere. How is it possible to be protected in this situation? Doctor Arindam Biswas says that fever, cold, and cough can have different types and causes. Allergic rhinitis can also be caused by bacteria and viruses. Getting wet in sudden rain or staying in an AC office with wet clothes for a long time can also lead to a cold and fever. Again, mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria...